Get your copy today at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores. The Young Bride and Groom: A Marriage Union of Sixty Years by Lorine and Douglas Hargrave is an endearing read that is written by a woman of faith that speaks of the true meaning of love, offering the love verse 1 Corinthians 13:13 as her foundation.
Through focusing others on the foundation of unity and prayer, she begins her book with a prayer of thanksgiving. As a commemoration of their sixty years, the third renewal of wedding vows is exhibited amongst life long memories and pictures (even of all their old cars which is a treat), and is themed by praises, prayer, and faith that is an encouragement for any young or long-married couple.
Intertwined with Scripture, the author continues to present a well-written and faith-filled journey. This book is simple and a joy to read, giving sound biblical advice that is presented in a light way to family and friends, encouraging all to make God the center of all of one’s life and marriage. With her husband of sixty years, who is a pastor, the author describes their lives and the fruitfulness that comes from abiding in Jesus and His Word. Such topics that are spoken of are: good communication, praying together and doing something nice everyday. This is wonderful book from an elder, that after being married sixty years gives easy keys to living a healthy, content and happy life in marriage. You may get your copy of The Young Bride and Groom at Amazon, Banes and Noble and other fine online bookstores.