What Do The Scriptures Say About War

 Does God Give Us Signs?
Is Major War Is Coming

Mark Biltz

Visit El Shaddai Ministries For More Information

This Is A Book That Every Christian Should Read


Dr. Timothy O.
The Seduction of Proverbs 7: Reloaded


or in Kindle as a download.

New Book Release - Killing Greatness

Tronell Walker, in her latest release, Killing Greatness: A Story About a Bully, speaks to bring encouragement to readers with an underlying theme of encouragement and Biblical principles to help face life’s bullies. 

She also speaks on current issues facing America, offering hope to many. She speaks frankly and candidly, yet with an overtone of love, tact, wisdom, and gentleness. Her own life reflects one who has chosen to remain steadfast, trusting in God through the storms of life. She gives readers the insight and courage to face their “bullies” in life with confidence, trusting in God through their trials.  

The goal for this book is to enlighten, encourage, and inspire readers into a firm resolve despite circumstances. She covers such subjects as: racism, the current political climate, advocates for the LGBT community, as well as the disabled. With a blend of historical and well-researched facts, along with Scripture, the reader is free to disagree or agree, regardless. 

Tronell Walker’s desire and purpose in this read is to shed light onto these subjects, bringing the social change necessary according to Christian principles of love and mercy. Her hopes are that others will learn how to love and accept each other, individually and corporately, regardless of race, social status, or capabilities; in this way, honoring the Two Greatest Commandments, which is to love God first and to love your neighbors as yourself.

This is a wonderful and highly encouraging read that presents a perspective of wisdom and common sense, offering some solutions that can be used to face a bully (a.k.a. today’s societal dilemmas).  

Title: Killing Greatness: A Story About a Bully
By: Tronell Walker
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of Killing Greatness at Amazon.

A Powerful Read

Let's Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

The Institution of Marriage

Candidly and gently, Dr. Wesley reminds all that the institution of marriage is a strong Biblical foundation among this nation, as well as around the globe. 

Soooo, You Want to Be Married by Dr. Michael W. Wesley, Sr. was originally written as a resource for those that are in love and considering matrimony. Yet, this book can easily relate to all married couples. Whether one is engaged, a newlywed, or even married for years, all couples will benefit from this truthful, well-written, and concise book giving not only Biblical principles, but much-needed guidance and hope! 

As a pastor, marriage counselor, and a multi-published author, Dr. Wesley sheds light on the many issues that all couples face. Covering a multitude of subjects, this book will be a benefit to all those who desire a healthy, free, well-balanced, and scripturally sound marriage. Consider this as an informative, smart, witty, and funny adventure into the discovery of what makes, breaks, and keeps couples together through the up-and-downs of life and marital relationships. 

Dr. Wesley looks at the common issues, ranging from the loss of courting and romance, to lack of communication, continuing with some of the nitty-gritty problems that can face a marriage. From finances to planning, he tackles each subject with ease, never forgetting that each partner is obviously different, being male and female. He notes that there is an ebb-and-flow to the understanding of both sides of the fence. Forgiveness, love, respect, and honoring God are all key concepts discussed. 

Offering solutions, strategies, and time-tested advice from years of experience, couples learn to identify weakness, strengths, and mental attitudes and changes that should be made within a relationship or marriage. Even if you feel like you made a mistake and there is no answer except separation, this book comes recommended for both partners to read. Dr. Wesley gives readers the tools, insight and perspectives that bring not only the Biblical concepts and principles into focus, but he also speaks candidly on what a happy marriage looks like. Understanding roles as husband and wife is also key within this read. 

This book comes highly recommended for those considering a marriage partner or those who are in pre-marital counseling. For those that are married, this also comes highly recommended to either correct trouble spots or come up higher in the relationship.

Soooo, You Want to Be Married?
Dr. Michael W. Wesley, Sr.
CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

Get your copy of Soooo, You Want to Be Married? At Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at MW Wesley Ministries.

Finding Favor In The Sight of God



Revelation Gifts, Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge - Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Let’s Discover Your Spiritual Gifts by Pastor G. Victor Morrisey Jr. has been written to help others in the body of Christ discover their place in the Kingdom of God through the realization of their spiritual gifts as spoken of in the Bible. Readers will come to know purpose as they understand that they are called, chosen, equipped, and have everything they need from God. This is a comprehensive instructional guide that breaks down this complex subject on spiritual gifts, offering an easy-to-read teaching on the many gifts from the Holy Spirit that will enrich one’s service in the Kingdom, giving great understanding of their own personal spiritual gifts, and how to use them.

The author notes that spiritual gifts are not for you, but a service to the body of Christ. With this in mind, Pastor G. Morrisey guides readers through a step-by-step and practical insight of spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit. 

Believers will come to understand their own spiritual gifts, as they are taught each gifts’ functionality, along with Who gives these gifts. By building on the spiritual gifts listed in Scripture, the author also speaks on the authority of Paul the Apostle’s statement in 1 Corinthians 12:1, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” He stands on that statement by Paul. At the end of each chapter, Pastor Morrisey offers a short quiz to personalize the chapter. Each chapter is concise, offering insight and sound doctrine.

Invaluable, and inseparable from the Word of God, spiritual gifts will move one forward in the flow of the Kingdom of God. Each believer has various gifts that are given by the Holy Spirit. As an important part of the body of Christ, each believer should strive to understand their gifts and talents to use them accordingly as a servant and as an instrument to the body of believers, as well as to those around them. This is a wonderful and important book to come up higher in one’s walk with God and to learn to be used mightily of God.

This book comes highly recommended for new or mature believers alike who would like to become the least in the Kingdom of God by becoming “a servant to all.”

Title: Let’s Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
By: Pastor G. Victor Morrisey Jr.
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of Let’s Discover Your Spiritual Gifts at Amazon or in Kindle. Be sure to visit Pastor G. Victor Morrisey Jr. at God's Love Church where you can find out more and his books and some wonderful ministry. 

Mag Gen Book - Magnificent Generation

Magnificent Generation
Millennials, or It Could Be Xers or Zers,
But It’s Probably Too Late for Boomers 
(Finding Encouragement, Motivation, and Sanity in a Post-Covid World)

Author James Nelson 
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

Magnificent Generation: Millennials, or It Could be Xers or Zers, but it’s probably too late for Boomers is written for the next generation of Millennials, and others, looking for sanity and encouragement in a Post-Covid world. 

The author, James Nelson with comrade and contributor, Matt Thornton, as the Millennial voice and long-time friend, present to readers practical advice, insight, and research from a Christian perspective. 

With years of wisdom, experience, and education, James saves readers unnecessary struggle Invigorating, with some humor, this is a delight read with thought-provoking and challenges to readers spoken from combined life-experiences. His book focuses on Millennials, who are now at the age of powerful influence and that have never been more important to our nation. This is the next generation. His book gives hope and guidance to those seeking to navigate the chaos.    

This is an informative read that brings clarity. From finances, to world views, Christianity and religion, personal needs, marriage and relationships, this book offers a way to live life well in light of our present-day afflictions. Nelson, as the older generation, has therefore presented extensive research to uphold his findings in the book. 

James offers hope to the next generation of young Millennials with an overview denoting that, “…there was a battle and victory that overcome false and destructive ideas with the true and good.” ~ We are at that great divide now.  

With such chapters as: Success: Could Someone Please Tell Me What It Is? Relationships: Floating Down the River, Personal Finances: Finances are Very Personal, Politics: Can We be Civil? Higher Education: The Truth About Words, Science: 25 Years of Surprises, Worldviews: Riverboat Gamblers; Christianity: Perhaps the Christianity You Have Been Rejecting You Should Be Rejected & Conclusions: Looking Ahead shed light into how to navigate our ever-changing world.  

His insights, honesty, and research are greatly appreciated. Additionally, with a recommended reading list at the end, readers are given more information for the journey ahead.

This book comes highly recommended for pastors, parents, and Millennials with baby-boomers in mind. The author has a huge heart for the next generation, and he has written a poignant book that leaves a legacy to the next generation. 

A fantastic, insightful,
and life-saving read!

You may get your copy of Magnificent Generation at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at Mag Gen Book for more information about this must read book.